Better Inside EP#8

Better Inside Newsletter

Hey Gang,

I'm not sure where to begin this conversation with you. I've challenged myself to tackle procrastination and documented the process in a video called "How to Beat Procrastination." During this experiment, I realized that some tasks, like daily exercise, meditation, journaling, and having a healthy breakfast, had become ingrained habits. However, when I intentionally procrastinated, my life took a turn for the worse. Here's what I lost over the course of four weeks:

  1. Failed to publish my newsletter

  2. Didn't create more YouTube videos

  3. Neglected to make a short reel for a one-minute clip

  4. Engaged in mindless scrolling on Instagram and Facebook

  5. Missed work deadlines

The emotions I experienced during procrastination were dullness, sadness, incompetence, loss of self-confidence, laziness, sleepiness, and exhaustion. These were the consequences of falling into the procrastination loop. Fortunately, I managed to break free by leveraging my self-awareness and my habits. I constantly reminded myself that this phase would only last a few days and employed the 2% rule from "Atomic Habits" to regain control. I reestablished my routines, conducted research on overcoming procrastination, and gained a better understanding of how my brain functions. As a result, I am steadily improving.

Advice for you, please don’t procrastinate intentionally  😅 

Productivity Tools

My Favorite Quote:

Never make long-term plans with short-term people.


My Favorite video

17 Work from Home Job Companies

Meme of the Week

Must watch movie/webshow 

A twisted thriller movie you can watch on the Netflix

Mind-Boggling Studies

My Wishlist for upcoming week

  1. Pitch Training Modules

  2. Reels shoot and upload.

  3. Spend quality time with someone.

  4. Publish Articles on Medium

I hope this newsletter will be beneficial to you. See you in next week 🙂 
