Better Inside Ep # 9

Better Inside Newsletter

Hey there, amazing folks!

I'm thrilled to share a major career decision I've made that's taking me on an exciting journey. After 13 years of exploring various industries and projects, I've discovered my true "WHY" - doing work I genuinely love. It's time for me to embark on my self-employed path, where I can finally unleash my passion and creativity. As the wise Naval Ravikant once said, "If you can't see yourself working with someone for life, don't work with them for a day."

You know what I've noticed? Many people seem to be just going through the motions, merely passing time in their jobs. But not me! I've been soaking up valuable insights, especially during a fantastic live training on MVP (Minimum Viable Product) this week. It's opened my eyes to the possibilities of launching my work effortlessly.

And let me tell you about the power of networking and building relationships. They are absolute game-changers! Opportunities come knocking when people witness your growth and the remarkable work you're doing. It's incredible how supportive and inspiring connections can be.

Speaking of growth, my daily habits are evolving for the better. I firmly believe that discipline is the ultimate key to achievement. That's why I've started writing my daily schedule on a whiteboard, keeping it in constant sight as a friendly reminder of what needs to be done.

My Daily Habits

Now, let me share my secret weapons: the 80/20 principle and the Focus Funnel. These productivity hacks have been saving me precious time and helping me stay on top of my game. Here are 10 habits that have consistently improved my mental and physical health:

  1. Start the day by hydrating with a refreshing glass of water.

  2. Dedicate 15 minutes to daily meditation for a calm and centered mind.

  3. Boost confidence with 5 minutes of mirror affirmations each day.

  4. Stay active with a 20-minute exercise routine.

  5. Reflect on thoughts and feelings through 10 minutes of journaling.

  6. Fuel the body with a healthy breakfast consisting of boiled eggs, barley dalia, and a small cup of tea.

  7. Keep track of my daily tasks by writing them on a whiteboard within eyesight.

  8. Create a Zen Space to minimize distractions and reduce phone usage.

  9. Set aside specific Deep Work hours to focus on the vital 20% of tasks that impact 80% of my progress.

  10. Maintain an Energy Calendar to monitor weekly progress, identifying activities that boost or drain my energy levels.


Productivity Tool

Maximize your productivity with the Energy Calendar method! 📅✨

  • Track your energy levels throughout the week and uncover patterns to optimize your schedule. Rate your energy on a scale of 1 to 10 for each time slot, then adjust tasks accordingly.

  • Work smarter, not harder! Align tasks with high-energy periods for focus and motivation, and reserve low-energy times for restorative activities.

  • Experience improved productivity and well-being.

My Favorite Quote:


“You’re never going to get rich renting out your time.”

Naval Ravikant

My Favorite video

f you want to be RICH, and not just earn a few extra dollars, then you are WASTING your time trying side hustles. Anyone can start a successful business if they know what they're looking for. I'll show you how to find business ideas and then rank them so you can find an idea to start your business in 2023

Meme of the Week


Favorite Framework

How to identify goals through grit exercises:

Must watch movie

Discover the profound impact of past trauma on decision-making in this captivating Netflix movie. Follow a dedicated scientist as they conduct groundbreaking experiments with prisoners who have committed heinous crimes, revealing the transformative power of understanding the complexities behind their actions. Prepare to be captivated by this thought-provoking exploration of the human psyche.

Mind-Boggling Study

The Invisible Gorilla Experiment: This famous study conducted by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons revealed the phenomenon known as "inattentional blindness." Participants were asked to watch a video and count the number of passes made by basketball players. Surprisingly, nearly half of the participants failed to notice a person in a gorilla suit walking through the scene, demonstrating the limitations of our attention and the selective nature of our perception.

My Wishlist for upcoming week

  1. Re-Read Books

  2. Reels shoot and upload.

  3. Learn more about Video Scripting

  4. Complete Storytelling Course

  5. Youtube Video Shoot and Upload

  6. Watch Podcast

  7. Listen Headway

  8. Article Publish on “Medium”

  9. Procrastination related Quiz

  10. Publish landing pages related to workshops.

  11. Meeting with Mentors

I hope this newsletter will be beneficial to you. See you in next week 🙂