Better Inside EP #7

tBetter Inside Better Inside Newsletter

Happy Eid Everyone 🥰 

Welcome to my another episode "Better Inside" Newsletter! Ep #7

A look At my Week !

I have achieved all the goals on my last week's wishlist before the target date, which has taught me valuable lessons. My top priority is managing my health and emotions effectively. By completing tasks, we gain motivation and discipline to achieve our objectives. Recently, I finished reading a book called "Keep Going" by Austin Kleon, which has been like a mood booster for me. I also watched a fascinating movie called "Ex-Machina," which explores the idea of artificial intelligence attaining human consciousness and its potential impact on the world.

Currently, I am focusing on improving my sleep cycle and following the advice of my nutritionist and doctor to take Melatonin pills due to my declining Melatonin hormones from lack of sleep. Additionally, I am working on a new video topic about procrastination, which will be my most hardworking video yet. I have gathered effective evidence on how to overcome procrastination and have personally applied these principles to my own life. Stay tuned for this magical video!

Productivity hacks and app

The 80/20 Rule: The 80/20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Focus on the 20% of tasks that will give you the most significant results and prioritize them.

Time Blocking: Time blocking is a technique where you schedule specific blocks of time for each task or activity. This technique helps you to stay focused and avoid multitasking. Allocate time for your top priorities and eliminate distractions during these periods.

My Favorite Quotes:


Discipline: the bridge between goals and achievement.

Grant Cardone

If you're a nerd, lift weights. If you’re jacked, read books. A Jacked nerd is fucking unstoppable.

Yoda Kota

My Favorite video

Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses how you can feel more energized and sleep better by doing one thing every morning—getting bright sunlight. Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Meme of the Week

Favorite Framework

A Proven 5-Step Framework For Setting And Achieving Health Goals: The SMARTER Way!

Five Steps Framework for Goals.

Must watch movie/webshow 

Get plenty of sleep before getting into DEEP with us.

Two Mind-Boggling Studies

  1. A 2022 study found that self-compassion is an effective strategy for reducing the negative effects of academic stress on students. Practicing self-compassion, such as being kind and understanding toward oneself, can help students feel more positive and confident, and less anxious or depressed.

  2. A 2021 study found that procrastination among students can be linked to fear of failure, rather than laziness or lack of motivation. Students who procrastinate may be avoiding tasks that they perceive as difficult or challenging, to avoid the possibility of failure or negative feedback. Helping students to overcome their fear of failure may therefore be an important step in reducing procrastination and improving academic performance.  

Templates for your work and life discovery

I would like to share with you my approach to self-discovery, which has been effective for me. By following this framework, you can also uncover valuable insights about yourself and your life.

This tool can assist you in identifying your work and reinventing yourself.

My Wishlist for upcoming week

  1. Publish: Procrastination related video on youtube.

  2. Reels shoot and upload.

  3. Write different types of Journal.

  4. Read two books related financial management.

  5. Complete one online course on Domestika and Skill-Share

  6. Join Gym for workout

I hope this newsletter will be beneficial to you. See you in next week 🙂