Better Inside Ep #6

Better Inside Newsletter

Welcome to my "Better Inside" newsletter! Episode #6

Let's get started without wasting any time.!

A look At my Week !

This week, I discovered the importance of the right environment when building new habits, and how our habits can shape our lives. I learned about the time boxing method as a way to stay on track with tasks and work, and decided to experiment with dropping it for a few days. Unfortunately, I found that my productivity decreased without this method. I realized that forming a habit is easy, but maintaining it can be difficult, as our environment can strongly influence us. For example, if you've been dieting for months and quit for just three days, it can be challenging to get back into it due to the influence of the same old environment. Instead of missing things for one day, I'm trying not to miss anything at all. I recently received 30 books related to behavioral sciences, and reading them has given me a new perspective on human behavior. I've also been reflecting on my days in my personal diary. Lastly, I've read 10 books about online work and have narrowed it down to my seven favorites.

Books for Online Earning

  1. Copywriting secrets by Jim Edwards

  2. The Nuclear Effect by Scott Oldford

  3. 12 months to $1 Million by Ryan Danial Moran

  4. $ 100 M Offers by Alex Hormozi

  5. Entrepreneurial You by Dorie Clark

  6. The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dip

  7. Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson

Productivity hacks and apps

  1. I've been loving the Zen mode app for its ability to simplify my life. With Zen mode turned on, I'm able to eliminate distractions and focus on what's important without the temptation of checking my phone. It's so effective that even when I want to access my phone, I can't. As I write this newsletter, my Zen mode is currently activated.

  2. is a useful application for consolidating all your work in a single location. It is a website designed specifically for project management purposes.

Reflection Notes

When you're unsure about how to begin something, don't get stuck in overthinking and analysis paralysis. Instead, try asking yourself these straightforward questions

Dealing with overthinking

Top Quotes that Inspired Me this Week 😀 

Don’t stop until you’re insanely f*cking proud of yourself.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Happiness doesn’t come from other people or other things; it comes from the way you think and how you see the world.

Happiness is the Way

Remote Jobs Websites

Video of the Week

Here are 6 digital products you can sell using AI (such as Midjourney and ChatGPT).

4. Meme of the Week


Must watch movie/webshow 

A young woman seeking self-improvement enlists the help of a renowned hypnotist, but after a handful of intense sessions, soon discovers unexpected and deadly consequences.

Mind-Boggling Study

Asch Conformity Experiment : Conducted in the 1950s by psychologist Solomon Asch, this experiment aimed to investigate conformity. Participants were asked to compare the length of lines and to state which line was the longest. The catch was that there were confederates in the experiment who intentionally gave the wrong answer. Many participants conformed and gave the wrong answer to fit in with the group

My Wishlist for upcoming week

  1. 30 minutes experimental video shoot

  2. Youtube Video Shoot

  3. Learn Skills Share courses

  4. Journaling

  5. Eid preparation

  6. Complete two books

  7. Make templates for newsletter

  8. Publish Article on Medium

  9. Finalize learning workshop

I hope this newsletter will be beneficial to you. Please feel free to check out my social media channels for more information. See you in next week 🙂