Better Inside EP #4

Better Inside Newsletter

Better Inside Ep #4

A look At my Week !

AHA! I had an amazing week where I did some cool stuff like starting regular writing and reading, and exploring different aspects of myself including my positive and negative habits. I always remind myself to trust the process when I feel overwhelmed and to compare myself to my past self, not others. My friend Daniyal asked me about what motivated me to do educational and inspirational work, and I told him that I follow the path that God sets for me. Maybe it's because of my heartbreak and health issues that keep me motivated each day to work on something meaningful.

Yesterday, I finished reading "Youtube Secrets" by Sean Cannell and got some much-needed clarity about my YouTube journey. I even recorded two long videos after reading it! I love it when people share real experiences instead of just general advice. I also read "12 Months to $1 Million" and found it fascinating how Moiz invested just $500 and launched his own fragrance line, which was later acquired by P&G for $100 million! This book is a must-read for anyone looking for the right product for their business.

I've realized that our mental-peace is important above everything else. Taking some time for meditation, journaling, reflecting, or even going out for dinner or lunch with family and friends can bring more positivity to our lives. So, give it a shot!

Ask this question to yourself : What are you doing when you feel most beautiful ?

Now, let me share with you what I have in store for you gang.

Productivity hacks and apps

  1. MindNode: A mind mapping app that helps you visualize and organize your ideas and thoughts.

  2. Focus@Will: A music app that plays instrumental music designed to improve your focus and productivity.

3. The time box technique:

This method involves scheduling specific blocks of time for certain tasks or activities. For example, you might block off two hours in the morning for focused work, an hour in the afternoon for exercise, and an hour in the evening for reading.

4. Getting Things Done (GTD)

This is a productivity system created by David Allen that involves capturing all your tasks and ideas in an inbox, processing them to determine their next actions, organizing them into categories, and reviewing them regularly.

Top Quotes that Inspired Me this Week 😀 

The best place to hide a dead body is on page two of google.

Book: Youtube Secrets

The happy person with the perfect work-life balance doesn’t usually become a rock star entrepreneur.

Ryan Daniel Moran

Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering the quiet that’s already there buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks daily.

Gaur Gopal Das

My Favorite video

  1. In this video, you’ll learn one trick that could make you more successful than 99% of people. It's not what you think. And even if you nail it, it won't necessarily make you happy.

4. Meme of the Week

Meme of the week

Must watch movie/web-series

If you're an aspiring entrepreneur looking to explore various aspects of starting and running a business, you should definitely check out "Pitchers Season 2". This Hindi web-series is a must-watch for anyone interested in entrepreneurship as it covers everything from generating ideas to securing funding and launching a startup.

Two Mind-Boggling Studies

  1. The Milgram Experiment: Conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram in 1961, this study aimed to investigate obedience to authority figures. Participants were instructed to administer electric shocks to a "learner" (who was actually a confederate) for each incorrect answer in a memory task, even if the shocks became increasingly severe. The study demonstrated the willingness of participants to obey authority figures, even when it meant causing harm to others.

  2. The Pygmalion Effect: This study, conducted in the 1960s, explored the effects of teachers' expectations on student performance. The results were surprising, as students who were expected to perform well by their teachers actually did perform better, regardless of their actual ability.

Upcoming Online Event of the Week

My Wishlist for upcoming week

  1. Publish my youtube videos

  2. Learn from the books about online work

  3. Find a product or niche for the investment

  4. Visit seaside for reflection

  5. Write notes

Take care and have a great week ahead!

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