Better Inside EP 37

Better Inside Newsletter

Hello Friends! 

I was reading the book called "How to Be Your Own Therapist," and the girl sitting with me on the flight kept looking at my book pages. She seemed interested, so I asked her if she wanted to read the book. She said, "No, I'm happy with my food and mobile movies." After some minutes, she asked if the book really helps with mental health. I responded, "Yes, it definitely can." I observed her behavior, and after five minutes, it seemed like she was experiencing anxiety. I started talking to her and discovered that she was facing anxiety related to flying. So, I changed the topic of discussion to food in the city. I suggested some foods she should try in Karachi, and our conversation became quite lengthy.

The past 12 days have been hectic and busy for me due to travel to another city and work with different people. However, it has given me new confidence. Although I enjoyed it, I apologize for not feeling the vibe to write this newsletter. What I observed during these two weeks was very reflective for me personally and professionally. My greatest learning is that we can't always avoid our problems and fears. Facing them gives us different levels of confidence. It has been a year since I started my entrepreneurship journey, and I am humbled to continue with grace, earning a good amount of money. My belief has evolved; whether you call it God or nature, it responds differently when you give your 100%. Nature favors those who challenge it persistently.

Most of the time, we chase shiny objects in our lives, believing they will solve our problems. However, shiny objects only provide temporary relief, and eventually, disillusionment sets in.

Personally, I've realized the importance of teaching youth. I was mistaken in my approach to mentoring, thinking it involved helping the person and then disappearing from their life. However, true mentoring involves creating an environment where the mentee evolves through the mentor's guidance. It's our responsibility to nurture and protect that talent.

I usually hear people say we need to move to a different country for a better life. However, the reality is, if you live solely and alone, you'll end up in a cage without walls. It's essential to establish a support system wherever you go. Moving out of the country is worthwhile only if you can establish a family there, as living without one can be challenging.

I hope these learnings help you in the future.



đź’Ś Things I Love the Most

AI Tools for Productivity

  1. Wondercraft AI: Create ads, podcasts, audiobooks, meditations, ads and effortlessly translate your content for a global audience.

  2. Deepbrain: Create realistic AI avatars, convert text-to-speech, and text-to-video using AI.

  3. Slite: Craft any document into the most reader-friendly text using AI.

  4. Stori AI: Create and publish branded content effortlessly. Reach your audience across multiple channels and make a lasting impression.

  5. Flipner: Pocket-sized writing assistant that captures your ideas and craft texts with AI's touch.

Weekly Quote:


You can’t improve something that doesn’t exist. Launch the project when it’s not perfect. Start the business when you don’t know enough. You can only find the second step when you take the first.

My Weekly Journaling Prompts:

  1. What is your goal for the rest of this year?

  2. What are some of the checkpoints

  3. What is the 2-minute simplification of your goal?

  4. Who can help you achieve your goal?

Video Of The Week :

A Podcast Worth Listening: đź¦» 

Remote Jobs: 🧑‍🏭 

  • ​Director for the gender, race, and power program (multiple locations) – Open Society Foundations if one of you here applies and gets this role you're obligated to do an interview with us a few months after you start, we're SO curious about this new program!! ​

  • Admin intern –​

  • Manager, people & culture (multiple locations) – Luminate

  • Director, strategic communications – Luminate

  • Claire Beveridge needs a freelance Facebook ads consultant for a small project

Juicy Reads to Check Out: đź“° 

Tweets of the Week:

Global Fellowships:

Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness Fellowship: Supports young people and people with a variety of lived experiences to partner with groundbreaking organizations from around the world to carry out innovative research on social isolation and belonging. Fellows can apply to work on a range of themes from data-driven environmental inclusion, to Special Olympics.

Connect to see my daily writing content:

See you next week. 🙂