Better Inside EP 31

Better Inside Newsletter

Hello My Adventurers ! 

I hope you enjoy your first week of 2024. As a solopreneur, I've learned some great stuff this week related to digital products and financial intelligence. While we're often told to live life like a rabbit, constantly chasing something to achieve goals, in reality, humans seek more fulfillment than anything else. Yes, I'm feeling a bit philosophical today, but bear with me. This week, I wrote extensively on different subjects and published articles. Even my high-performance planner has been crucial in helping me complete all tasks on time.

I posted on my social media handles: 'What is one thing you want to learn from me?' Interestingly, many people expressed a desire to learn how to focus and be consistent. I can easily empathize with them because, in reality, we often procrastinate due to the stress associated with certain tasks.

Our brains don't like stress, and that's a simple reason for procrastination. One effective strategy is to start your most challenging task early in the morning or during the time when you are in the flow. Also, if you approach your work as a game, you'll find it more enjoyable. Try to make your work a playful activity, and you'll witness a positive shift. Set some rewards and choose an accountability partner; these small actions can change your entire perspective on your work. Personally, I applied these principles while writing this newsletter early in the morning, and my mind is free from wandering thoughts.

Hope these tips help you too!



💌 Things I Love the Most

AI Tools for Productivity

  1. Source AI: Generate code for programming in any language with AI.

  2. Lucidchart: A diagramming application that brings teams together to make better decisions and build the future using AI.

  3. Rawuser: Improve your website's user experience and conversion rates effortlessly with AI-driven insights.

  4. HeyCloud: Automate, build, and manage cloud stacks in simple English with AI.

  5. Clearword: Create summary notes and complete actions live during your calls.

  6. Record Once: Create video tutorials in minutes with an AI that edits and fixes mistakes.

  7. Coursebox: Design a course structure and then rapidly build your course content in under one hour with AI.

  8. Readbay AI: Make the most of your reading sessions, 1 article a day with mindful engagement. Take advantage of a reading calendar and personalized suggestions from your mobile phone.

  9. Fireflies AI: Automate your meeting notes. Transcribe, summarize, search, and analyze voice conversations.

  10. Cogniflow: Create AI chatbots, extract info, analyze images, chat with your docs, or create your own AI models.

Weekly Quote:

Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy.

Naval Ravikant

My Weekly Journaling Prompts:

10 Journaling questions that are changing my whole day and bringing my A-game on a daily basis, I call it morning mindset.⬇️

1. Today's message to myself!

2. Today's top 3 goals/priorities.

Morning Mindset Exercise:

1. One thing I can get excited about today is...

2. If one word could describe the kind of person I want to be today, then word is... and why I chose it is..

3. Someone who needs me on my A-game today is..

4. A situation that might stress me out or trip me up today could be... and the way that my best self would deal with that is...

5. Someone I couldn't surprise with a note, gift, or sign of appreciation is..

6. One action I could take today to demonstrate excellence or real value is..

7. One bold action I could take today is..

8. If I was a high performance coach looking at my life from a high level, I would tell myself to remember that..

9. The big project I have to keep in mind that I want to take on, even if I can't act toward them today, are..

10. I would know that today was great Success if at the end of the day I did or felt these things...

Morning Journaling

Video Of The Week :

A Podcast Worth Listening: 🦻 

Remote Jobs: 🧑‍🏭 

  1. Customer Success Program Manager (Remote) at Axon

  2. Communications Director at MURAL

  3. Events Specialist at ServiceTitan

  4. Data & Analytics Principal Architect (remote) at Cencora

  5. Fortune needs freelance higher education writers

  6. Homebase needs freelance copywriters (open to different locations)

  7. Creative Circle needs a marketing coordinator (freelance to full-time)

  8. Condé Nast needs freelance associate producers and junior writer/producers to work on marketing campaigns

  9. Ocean Action Campaigns (London) needs a programme manager for social media monitoring, qualitative/quantitative data, and report writing (£250 - £500/day)

  10. Channel needs a remote TikTok social strategist/paid social (PST preferred, I’m guessing full-time)

  11. United Dairy Industry of Michigan needs TikTok or Instagram Reels ($1,500)

  12. Pollen needs a head of platform and community ($80,000-$120,000/year)

Juicy Reads to Check Out: 📰 

This article is about sleep quality and how adding protein to your diet can significantly improve it. The experiment on mice shows that their sleep quality improved when protein was added to their diet.

This is something important for all of us. We need to focus on health immediately, as the impact of diabetes on mental health is growing larger in society.

AI Image of Digital Depression

I discovered that 'Digital Depression' is very harmful to our mental health. If you're not familiar with this term, it's crucial to learn about it now.

According to a systematic literature review, digital depression is associated with various factors, such as the amount, frequency, and type of social media use.

Some of the common causes of digital depression are:

FOMO (fear of missing out)
This is the feeling that you are missing out on something exciting or important that others are doing or experiencing online.

Social comparison
Social comparison can make you feel inferior, insecure, and unhappy with yourself. It can also distort your perception of reality, as you assume that others have perfect lives while ignoring their struggles and challenges.

Online addiction
Online addiction can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability, anxiety, and depression, when you are not online. It can also make you neglect your physical, emotional, and social needs.

Here are some tips and strategies that can help you improve your mental health and well-being in the digital age.

1. Limit your screen time
Set a daily or weekly limit on how much time you spend on social media and other digital platforms. Use apps or tools that can track your screen time and remind you to take breaks.

2. Be mindful of your online activities
Choose the platforms and content that make you feel good, inspired, or informed, and avoid the ones that make you feel bad, stressed, or bored. Be selective about who you follow.

3. Engage in offline activities
For example, you can read a book, play an instrument, learn a new skill, or work on a project. Engage in physical activities, such as exercise, sports, or yoga, that can boost your mood, energy, and health.

4. Connect with others in real life
Socialize with your family, friends, or peers in person rather than online. Have meaningful conversations, share your feelings and thoughts, and offer and receive support.

You are more than your online persona, and you have the power to create a happy and fulfilling life for yourself.

Tweet of the Week:

Meme Of The Week:


Your brain operates best when you're calm.

My Article: 

Connect to see my daily writing content:

See you next week. 🙂