Better Inside EP 30

Better Inside Newsletter

Hello My Adventurers! 

Happy New Year 2024! It's Monday, the start of a brand-new year. Wishing everyone a fantastic year ahead! In the past year, I made some bold decisions to improve my life, and one big lesson I learned is that "Money is your Freedom ticket." If you want to break free from the usual 9 to 5 routine, you've got to make a good amount of money for financial freedom. If that's your goal for 2024, consider picking up these skills and starting a side hustle:

1. Video Editing

2. AI Prompt Engineering

3. Ghost Writing

4. Social Media Management (TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter)

5. Learn Coding

6. Starting a YouTube Channel (with or without showing your face)

7. E-commerce products

8. Learn to build Apps

These skills can help you achieve financial freedom, or you can stick to traditional jobs and grow within the organization because there is no harm to grow within the organization, if your values align with the organization purpose.

Recently, I tried Sahil Bloom’s "The Annual Review" exercise, which really helped me look back at my year. If you're interested, you can find the exercise (link).

Personal Achievements in 2023:

The Annual Review Exercise

I started the year with a new high-performance planner, helping me stay on track daily, weekly, and monthly. I believe the best investment is in yourself. When I ask people about the ROI of zero investment, they usually say 0. I disagree; it's (-0) because you miss out on chances to get better.

I wish you all start invest in your self development.

Love xx


💌 Things I Love the Most

AI Tools for Productivity

  1. Monica: An all-in-one AI assistant to help you chat, search, write, translate and more. It also offers tools for image, video, and PDF processing.

  2. Heygen: Effortlessly produce studio quality videos with AI-generated avatars and voices.

  3. Neulink: Plan, automate and manage your social media and save your time to focus on your business while your social media runs itself.

  4. Collab: Manage projects, plan campaigns, generate to-do lists, and craft blog outlines in record time with AI.

  5. Tailwind: Get ready-to-post marketing copy created for you instantly.

  6. Doclime: Import any PDF and get answers instantly using AI.

  7. LogoFast: Create stunning logos in just a few clicks with AI.

Weekly Quote:

Be so fucking proud of yourself for passing your hardest moment alone while everyone believed you were fine.


My Weekly Journaling Prompts:

  1. What I did this week (small/big/ wins)

  2. Three great things that happened to me last week were.

  3. Two things I learned about myself this week.

  4. One decision that I could have made last week to make my life better or to move ahead faster would have been.

  5. How have I grown (emotionally & spiritually)

  6. What do I want to start/stop/continue ?

  7. Top goals for next week:

    • Personal

    • Work

    • Mental/physical health

  8. What can I do scares me ?

Video Of The Week :

Learn three high-value paying skills and make your 2024 better.

My Weekly Reading:  

Reading and learning about creative thinking, this article will help you understand simple creativity techniques.

A Podcast Worth Listening: 🦻 

Mind-blowing podcast! I regret not listening to this podcast earlier. Oliver Burkeman, the author of the book 'Four Thousand Weeks,' shares his wisdom about life, discussing the reality of time management and how we can use our time to create a better life.

Remote Jobs: 🧑‍🏭 

  1. Contingent Magazine needs pitches for essays, reviews, and more

  2. Cella needs a remote part-time digital copywriter ($30-$40/hour)

  3. Lumen Labs needs freelance B2B writers for finance, SaaS, and sustainability

  4. Matter needs a full-time social copywriter

  5. People needs a remote contract digital producer for evergreen content ($22-$22/hour

  6. Siblings needs a remote full-time social media and marketing associate

  7. Oliver Charles needs content creators to make short-form TikTok and Instagram videos

  8. Career Group needs a freelance graphic designer

  9. Cella needs a freelance unreal engine video editor ($100-$125/hour)

  10. The Lever needs a remote full-time podcast showrunner

  11. Creative Project Manager at Superside - Remote (Worldwide)

Juicy Reads to Check Out 📰 

Ever wondered about the difference between visualization and manifestation?

Let me break it down from my perspective. Manifestation isn't about magically making things happen by just thinking about them – that's not my belief. If I dream of $5 million, it doesn't just fall into my lap.

Visualization, for me, is a brain rewiring process. It's about shifting your mindset, making you more open to new opportunities.

The magic isn't in wishful thinking; it's in becoming a person who actively pursues their goals. Sure, you might see new chances and reach your goals faster, but that's because you're evolving.

Now, let's be clear—I'm not saying you can skip the hard work or techniques. When people talk about manifesting, visualization plays a part, but it's a tool rooted in science. Athletes worldwide, take Michael Phelps, use it as a neurological process to enhance performance.

When we talk about brains, treat them like muscles—something we train for the victories we want.

AI Generated Image

For those who want to monetize their skill set through online courses, I recommend reading this book. By applying its insights, you can easily publish your first course and gain valuable knowledge about the online business aspects related to courses.

It's a very good, simple, and informative book with lots of amazing tools and methods.


Tweets of the Week:

Meme of The Week:

My New Article:

Favorite Visual:

Connect to see my daily writing content:

See you next week. 🙂