Better Inside EP # 3

Better Inside Newsletter

Yeah, Thank you again for reading my "Better Inside" newsletter! Ep #3

A look At my Week !

This past week, I came across a profound phrase that resonated with me - "We are human beings, not human doings." I realized that productivity is not about doing a lot of things in minimal time, but about completing your work on time and making time for personal growth. Inspired by Entrepreneur/Investor Naval Ravikant, I decided to read multiple books simultaneously, focusing on what I enjoyed and completing the content with ease.

One lesson I learned this week as an aspiring entrepreneur is that loneliness is common among entrepreneurs, but it can also serve as a catalyst for success. Ryan Daniel, author of "12 Months to $1 Million," overcame feelings of exclusion by dedicating himself to learning in the school's computer lab. Despite facing unfair situations, we can use them as motivation to succeed and create positive change.

During my personal reflection, I realized the importance of focusing on one thing at a time and being authentic in the content I consume and share. As a result, I am striving to become more authentic in my interactions and avoid irrelevant information.

Productivity Hacks

  1. Forest: This is a unique app that helps you stay focused and productive by growing a virtual tree. The longer you stay focused, the more the tree grows.

  2. RescueTime: This app tracks how much time you spend on different apps and websites on your phone or computer. It then provides you with a detailed report to help you identify where you're spending your time and improve your productivity.

Top Quotes that Inspired Me this Week 😀 

I trained 4 years to run 9 seconds and people give up when they don’t see results in 2 months.

Usain Bolt

What we tell ourselves us more important than what others tell us.

Book: Energize Your Mind

Your actions reveal your real values, your actions show you what you actually want.

Derek Sivers

My Favorite video

  1. This video will provide insights on how you can launch your own business venture by utilizing a variety of skills such as copywriting, podcasting, Online course and newsletter work.

4. Meme of the Week


Must watch movie/webseries

Super Pumped The Battle For Uber

One Mind-Boggling Study

  1. In one study, the young men and women who spend the least amount of time comparing themselves with others in terms of looks or intelligence or money also reported the least amount of self-blaming, guilt and regret.


Upcoming Online Event of the Week

My Video

My Wishlist for upcoming week

  1. Read online work related books

  2. Complete Podcast course

  3. Pitch Trainings programs to clients

  4. Learn finance and investment areas online and offline.

  5. Learn more about youtube work

  6. Shoot Youtube videos and reels

I hope this newsletter will be beneficial to you. Please feel free to check out my social media channels for more information. See you in next week 🙂