Better Inside EP 26

Better Inside Newsletter

Hey, Adventurers,

“It’s impossible to be your best self without disappointing some people some of the time.” This quote changed my perspective this week related to people-pleasing. Did you know? According to a YouGov survey (August 2022), 49% of Americans identify as people-pleasers. Now, think about how much we engage in people-pleasing. I recently read a book called 'The Art of Saying No' by Damon Zahariades. The author shared these tips to learn to say NO in your life.

  1. Your priorities are your responsibility: The pursuit of approval can lead to neglecting your own needs. Over time, you might expect gratitude for your sacrifices. Remember, putting yourself first is crucial for personal growth.

  2. Your voice and tone matter: Be graceful but assertive when saying no. Train yourself to decline requests appropriately. People may not remember your good deeds, but they will recall how you rejected them.

  3. Insult: Politely declining may trigger frustration, irritation, or hostility. You're not responsible for others' feelings, as long as you're honest and ethical.

  4.  Disappointment: Unmet expectations can lead to upset reactions. Realize you aren't obliged to carry others' expectations. Prioritize your needs—it's your right.

  5. Seeming selfish: Constantly satisfying others can make you vulnerable to manipulation. The fear of appearing selfish may lead to guilt. It's okay to fulfill your own needs and pursue your goals.

    Remember, turning the constant flow of requests into a spring is crucial; otherwise, it could become a tsunami. 🌊 You can only give someone water once your well is full. So, never drain yourself to save others.


  1. Explore Meco for newsletters; this simple application can transform your entire reading experience. You can separate your newsletters from Gmail, and you have the option to read them on the Meco web platform or the iOS mobile application.



💌 Things I Love the Most

AI Tools for Productivity 🤖 

  1. Postnitro: Create carousels for social media in seconds.

  2. Embra: AI assistant for professionals. Connect your data, workflows, and team to save hours of work.

  3. Taplio: Use AI to get more reach, engagement and followers on LinkedIn.

  4. Submagic PRO: Generate video captions effortlessly using AI.

  5. Dear AI: Generate intimate, thoughtful, and beautiful letters instantly with AI.

Weekly Quote:

Happy are those who consider their freedom more valuable than their ego.


My Weekly Journaling Prompts:

Here are 10 journal prompts to help you get started:

1. How would I describe the best version of myself, and what obstacles are preventing me from realizing this reality?

2. Which people in my life leave me feeling energetically and emotionally drained after spending time with them?

3. What habits or activities do I regularly engage in, even though I know they no longer benefit me?

4. Which childhood memories still hold emotional significance for me and why?

5. Do I tend to compare myself frequently to others?

6. Am I aware of my strengths and successes? Can I create a list to document everything?

7. In what manner do I speak to myself, and could my self-talk be negative?

8. How would my life be if I knew that, at the time of each concern, a solution would present itself? And how can I make my self-talk more positive?

9. Reflect on a recent setback. Do I still hold the belief that it’s an obstacle, and what can I learn from it?

10. Am I grateful for what I have? Can I pause for a moment and deeply appreciate what is already in my life?

Video Of The Week:

Watch this motivating video called "Turning Your Life Around in 6-12 Months." It's all about someone who faced tough times, like money problems and feeling unmotivated, but turned things around to find success. The key takeaways emphasize the importance of personal responsibility and action, highlighting that success requires an individual's commitment to evolving and taking control of their life. The video encourages viewers to identify their goals, break them down into achievable steps, and learn from others who have walked a similar path.

My Weekly Reading:  

A Podcast Worth Listening: 🦻 

Professor Steve Peters. He’s a world renowned psychologist who’s dedicated himself to understanding the way the human mind works. He’s best-known for his book, 'The Chimp Paradox', which has sold millions of copies worldwide. The book gives us a mind management approach based on the idea that there are three forces which govern our brains. The emotional and primal 'chimp' is impulsive and often anxious, while our inner human is calm, logical, and rational. This system can help us better understand our behaviour and handle moments of stress and difficulty.

Remote Jobs: 🧑‍🏭 

Juicy Reads to Check Out: 📰 

New research on AI’s impact on the job market paints a complex picture:

As the debate around AI and jobs swings from the one extreme of utopian abundance to the other extreme of dystopian unemployment, it can be hard to make sense of what’s actually happening on the ground.

In order to help you understand how AI is impacting jobs at this moment in time, here’s what we’ve learned from recent studies on the subject:

AI can help you be very productive at some tasks. Not so much at others.

According to research from Harvard Business School and Boston Consulting Group, consultants that used GPT-4 completed 12.2% more tasks on average. They completed tasks 25.1% more quickly with a 40% higher quality score. However, for tasks that were more complicated, consultants were 19% less likely to produce the correct answer.

AI tools like ChatGPT are likely having a negative impact on some professions like copywriting and graphic design.

According to another study that looked at the impact of AI on the online labor market, the release of ChatGPT had a sharp and negative impact on the amount of work and income that copywriters and graphic designers received on online freelancing platforms. The impact was observed regardless of skill level, meaning people of all skill levels were affected by the release of ChatGPT.

Higher skill or income level does not automatically shield you from the impact of AI.

According to a study published by researchers at OpenAI and the University of Pennsylvania, workers making over $100,000 could be significantly more vulnerable than those making half that amount. Writing about the effects of AI models on the labor market, the report states: “The projected effects span all wage levels, with higher-income jobs potentially facing greater exposure to LLM capabilities and LLM-powered software.

Tweet of the Week:

Adam Lane Smith

Meme Of The Week:

Article Of The Week: 

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See you next week. 🙂