Better Inside EP 24

Better Inside Newsletter

Ahoy, Friends! 

I was reading 'The Zebra Effect,' which was shared by Sahil Bloom in one of his articles, and it reflects my journey as well. "Blending in is easy and comfortable. Standing out is hard and uncomfortable." I asked myself when I observed, do I really need fame and more money? Many people think that if we get famous or become influencers, we will have lots of money, and our life problems will end. But, in reality, it doesn't look like that.

Recently, Codie Sanchez shared about how much we need to live a happy life. According to the study of the University of Virginia, we need $500K to feel much happiness. Afterward, the happiness level will be the same, and life becomes more challenging. Like Naval Ravikant said, "Happiness is your choice; try to learn how to live happily with fewer desires because money only solves money problems." I calculated how much money we need to make the equivalent in Pakistan, and it's almost 14.1 CR in Pakistani rupees if you make this money on a quarterly basis then you count yourself in this happiness study.

During this week, I did a decluttering exercise in my room and cleaned it entirely. If you don't know why we lose productivity when the physical environment is full of clutter, it's because our brains don't like clutter. In the movie 'Limitless,' when the main character took a pill that changed his brain function, improving his focus and attention, the first thing he did was declutter his messy home and then started his book writing.

I have connected my life to these words which I have received from Dan Koe:

You need four habits.

  • One that build your mind.

  • One that build your body.

  • One that build your business.

  • One that build your relationships.

    The good life is the process of becoming everything you could be. 


  1. Watch Limitless movie.

  2. Follow Codie Sanc work on Twitter.

  3. Explore Dan Koe Work.

  4. Read Think & Grow Rich.



đź’Ś Things I Love the Most

10 AI Tools for Productivity: 🦾 

  • Mokker Instant: Generate captivating visuals of your products using mokker. (link)

  • Revolutionizing News Marketing and Distribution with AI-Driven Targeted Boost. (link)

  • Reduces the time it takes teachers to grade essays/papers using AI. (link)

  • Gling: Gling is an AI-based video editing tool built specifically for YouTubers. (link)

  • Textomap: Generate interactive maps from text sources and ChatGPT prompts in seconds. (link)

  • AIshot: Futuristic AI Avatar Generator! Design your own AI Avatars using our advanced platform. (link)

  • Seek AI: Modernize your business analytics with generative AI-powered database queries.

  • Vidiofy: Convert articles into reels.d

  • Writingmate: AI copilot for Google Docs, Slides, Sheets. Answers your questions and writes your emails, compatible with all websites.

  • Attio: Turn your GTM strategies into dynamic engines for revenue growth.

Best ChatGPT Plugins: 🤖 

  • Cloud Diagram Gen: Generate cloud architecture diagrams. Unofficial AWS plugin. (link)

  • Ai Tool Hunt: Unleashing the Power of the Most Comprehensive Global Database for Ideal AI Solutions. (link)

  • Doc Maker: Generate Various File Formats from Text: DOCX, XLSX, PDF, CSV, TXT, HTML, XML, JSON. (link)

  • MixerBox Translate: Translate instantly! Learn foreign languages effortlessly with AI tutors! (link)

  • Go!: This plugin called Go! is your personal fitness companion. It provides tailored workout routines. (link)

Weekly Quote:


I believe there’s no such thing as work-life balance. There’s just life.

Janine Allis

My Weekly Journaling Prompts:

Find my journaling prompts here: đź”» 

Video Of The Week: 📽️ 

Exploring time anxiety—the obsession we have to spend our time in the most meaningful way possible.

My Weekly Article: ⬇️ 

Remote Jobs: 🧑‍🏭 

  1. Follow this “no commute” weekly newsletter for remote jobs updates: link 

  2. Remote AI Jobs Link 

  3. Remote Job Hunters Link

  4. No Desk Remote Jobs Link

  5. We Work Remotely Link

Juicy Reads to Check Out: đź“° 

A knowledgeable article website where you can find a wide range of details, from health to finance, backed by amazing research.

Inner Light

Villarrica volcano in Chile

An opaque cloud around a volcano might strike most people as something to run from, but Francisco Negroni was drawn to it. To his mind, who wouldn’t want to camp out for 10 days at the base of the giant vent?

That adventure led to this photo, captured by Negroni during a particularly active period at the Villarrica volcano in Chile. Magma lights up the interior of the lenticular cloud, which forms when flowing air rises over a physical obstacle and quickly settles back down on the other side. If there’s enough moisture in the air, the water vapor condenses at the peak of the rise, resulting in clouds with a distinctive lens shape. Negroni’s patient stakeout won him the Standard Chartered Weather Photographer of the Year award from the Royal Meteorological Society.

How To Create Your First $100,000 Digital Product in 10 days:

  • Day 1 - Monday: Find a Superniche product idea and outline it

  • Day 2 - Tuesday: Create Your Superniche product framework

  • Day 3 - Wednesday: Prep The Page for your Superniche product

  • Day 4 - Thursday: Design the product (graphics, layout, etc.)

  • Day 5 - Friday: Create the landing page and set up the payment system

  • Day 6 - Saturday: Run a small beta test of the product

  • Day 7 - Sunday: Make revisions based on beta feedback

  • Day 8 - Monday: Launch a viral giveaway/contest to build your email list

  • Day 9 - Tuesday: Black Friday promotion and make your first $1!

  • Day 10 - Wednesday: Put your marketing on auto-pilot 


Midjourney Result

A Podcast Worth Listening: đź¦» 

Meme Of The Week:


Global Fellowships: 

Connect to see my daily writing content:

See you next week. 🙂