Better Inside EP 23

te Better Inside Newsletter

Hello Friends! 

I asked myself this week, 'What is my biggest fear?' The answer is very reflective for me when I deep dive into it. 'Mine is the fear of wasting my full potential and dying mediocre.' That answer clarifies all my life intentions. I don't want to waste my potential, and on the day of judgment, I will regret my mediocrity. I have observed my progress graph of the skills I have learned so far, so here is the list, from being an average boy to becoming a lifelong learner.

Communication Skills: One of my limiting beliefs was that my communication was my weakness, and I could only improve it, but I have recently seen a 1000 percent improvement in my life, from talking to listening, from the fear of writing to becoming a newsletter writer and preparing myself to write a book. that all happen to practice and reflect. Little tip: read books and apply each learning in your life.


Relationship Building: I was very shy and hesitant to introduce myself to others. That was my initial understanding, but after 2017, I broke this stigma from my personality. I attended events and tried to engage with people. During that time, I started reading different articles and watching YouTube videos.

Recommendation: How to Talk to Anyone

Meditation and Visualization: I first introduced meditation in 2017 during a training session, and it was quite awkward at first because I didn't feel much. After a few years, I started practicing visualization and got inspired by athletes who use it to improve their performance. However, anxiety and overthinking hindered my progress. I then began practicing breathing exercises and, during a fellowship, gained clarity on the power of meditation for my mental health and focus. I started reading and watching material on meditation, and for the last 14 months, I have been practicing meditation daily, experiencing guided meditation, and participating in various programs. The app 'AURA' has been instrumental in maintaining consistency in my meditation and visualization journey.

Mental Health: I used to make fun of mental health professionals and felt uncomfortable when the topic was brought up. My coping mechanism was to bully the person starting the conversation, hoping it would change. I later recognized my own patterns, and as the saying goes, 'Once you know, you can’t unknow.' I read my patterns and sought professional help to understand my triggers and how to deal with them. Healing takes time, and we can't erase the effects of traumatic events; we must accept them and take responsibility for moving forward. Self-awareness helps us know when to guard ourselves and identify people who genuinely respect our vulnerability. I consider myself lucky to have a survival toolkit that I've applied to my life.

This week, I applied a valuable piece of wisdom: if someone comes back to you, don't try to humiliate them; instead, give them permission and see what intention they bring. If someone is genuinely interested in you, they will open up.

I am not a therapist or a life coach, but I believe that if I can help someone by listening and providing support in their lives, they can do better. I have observed that some people only seek validation and are not looking for solutions. When someone comes to me asking for advice, I try my best to assist them. Some people approach you to see what benefits they can gain, and when you fail to meet their expectations, they leave silently, so don’t take on your heart.

Learning to spend time without expectations is a valuable lesson. Just think about “what our lives would look like without expectations.” 

This is the question for you all this week.



7 AI Tools for Productivity

  1. Zupyak: Zupyak is the first-ever search-optimized AI writer.

  2. VOGE: Create hyper-realistic, personalized avatars in a matter of minutes with AI.

  3. Torq AI: Powerful Chrome extension designed to revolutionize your workflow and enhance productivity.

  4. Luminaries AI: Chat with a personalized team of digital coaches, trained on real-world knowledge.

  5. Glimmer AI: Transform your text and voice requests into visually stunning presentations.

  6. Myreader AI: Upload your books, ask questions, and get answers along with relevant sections to read more.

  7. Kartiv: Design tool to create beautiful visuals based on your descriptions

Weekly Quote:

You have to pick something big to work on, because it’s hard to commit your life to something small.

Naval Ravikant

My Weekly Journaling Prompts:

Are you making unrealistic assumptions about someone else?

Are you fully aware of their internal struggles?

Are you sure you’re better/worse off than they are?

What is frustrating me right now?

What am i most excited about over the next month?

My Weekly Affirmation:

I accept myself for who I am.

I remember the positive experiences better than the negative ones.

I am in a safe environment.

I am cultivating an attitude of gratitude.

A lot of good things happened to me today.

I have a thriving life.

My actions lead to even greater fulfillment.

I have the time and energy to do the things that make me feel good.

Video Of The Week :

In this video, you will learn about self-gratitude and kindness. Must watch and explore gratitude.

My Weekly Reading:

Weekly Podcast: 

How to Reprogram Your Brain for Success (ft. Derek Sivers)

Mentor Advice:

I asked Derek Sivers about my career because I was confused about which path I should take. Let's see what response I receive from him. If you don't know about him, then take a look at Derek Sivers' work. I also read his book called 'Hell Yeah or No,' which changed my entire thought process.

Tweets of the Week:

Meme Of The Week:

Meme from Quora


Article Of The Week: 

Connect to see my daily writing content:

See you next week. 🙂