Better Inside EP 22

Better Inside Newsletter

Hello Friends!

Writing this newsletter gives me a sense of inspiration and accountability. As someone who used to hate writing, I have now fallen in love with it. Things change, don't they? This week, I discovered some very effective new productivity tools and websites related to remote work. I also came across fascinating videos and podcasts where I learned some valuable insights.

The book I started reading this week is titled 'The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing.' What a brilliant book it is, especially in relation to marketing: 'Marketing is all about your perspective.' It's a battle of perspectives, like Coke vs. Pepsi.

Additionally, I took a YouTube course from Ankur Warikoo's team and a part-time course at the YouTube Academy by Ali Abdaal and Dhruv Rathee. The courses are related to YouTube and productivity. I love this course, 'How to do a million things By Dhruv.'"



5 AI Tools for Productivity

  1. MindGenie - optimize your routine w/ smart prediction (link)

  2. Ceacle Tools - all your tools for fast image editing (link)

  3. Fuyu-8B - multimodal architecture for AI agents (link)

  4. Venturus AI: Get instant feedback on your business ideas.

  5. Julius: Analyze your data and files using AI.

My Favorite Quote:

When a man can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure

Victor Frankl

My Favorite Tweets:

Tim Ferris X

Justin Welsh X

Remote Jobs Website:

My Favorite Video:

In this video, you will explore about “The Cult of Productivity.” Falling into the productivity rabbit hole can lead to stress and burnout. Remember, it's okay not to be a 24/7 productivity machine.

My Favorite Podcast:

My Favorite illustration:

Did You Know !

Did you know that ADHD can make you more prone to burnout? For example, higher impulsivity can lead to overcommitting, and if you overcommit and take on too many tasks or responsibilities, you’re more likely to feel frustrated about not having time for everything.

My Article: