Better Inside Ep #2

Better Inside Newsletter

Yeah, Thank you for subscribing my "Better Inside" newsletter! Ep #2

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A look At my Week !

This week has been full of amazing experiences for me. I attended a book review session where I met new people and completed some sessions. It was inspiring to listen to people's stories and make some YouTube videos.

One thing I learned is that everyone has a different journey and different priorities in life. Currently, I am reading "Energize Your Mind" by Gaur Gopal Das, a courageous person who shares his life stories. This book has helped me understand the positive and negative impacts of FOMO and social media in our lives.

During the book review session at Lincoln, I realized my opinion regarding reading fiction and novels was wrong. Some people gain a lot of learning and meaning from fiction, and I don't need to oppose their opinion. I met a beautiful soul during breakfast who had a positive energy, and it was evident from her eyes that she was eager to learn from my experiences. I respect and admire people who take 100% responsibility to become independent and don't succumb to a victim mindset.

Later, I met some former colleagues I worked with as a training manager last year. Unfortunately, they drained my positive energy, and I felt stressed and anxious when I got back home. It reminded me of the importance of saying "Hell Yeah or Hell No," which I learned from the book "Divers" but haven't applied successfully yet.

In addition, I am learning YouTube, and a webinar by Productivity guru Ali Abdaal helped me gain clarity on which language I should use for my videos and my YouTube niche. Ali Abdaal is a real badass, and if he were in the training industry, I would love to compete with him.

Overall, this week has been a learning experience, and I look forward to applying these lessons in my life.

Now, let me share with you what I have in store for you gang.

Productivity hacks and apps

  1. The Deepstash app provides a wealth of knowledge on various topics, including history, technology, ideas, books, articles, and over 200,000 other pieces of content. It is a top productivity app that I have been using for the past three months and even paid for a subscription.

  2. If This Then That (IFTTT) is an automation tool that seamlessly connects different apps and experiences. You can set up a range of different automations in IFTTT, from everyday tasks to more niche occurrences. For example, you can have google add a reminder to your calendar if it’s going to rain tomorrow or set a reminder to drink more water.

3. 10+ Ideas generation Exercise

4. Take Coffee Nap

5. Hurson’s Productivity Thinking Model

The model presents a structured framework for solving problems creatively. You can use it on your own or in a group.

The model consists of six steps, as follows:

  1. Ask "What is going on?"

  2. Ask "What is success?"

  3. Ask "What is the question?"

  4. Generate answers.

  5. Forge the solution.

  6. Align resources.

Top Quotes that Inspired Me this Week 😀 

Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.

Jim Rohn

Choose your battles wisely, Not all are worth fighting.

JoyBell C

Never quit something with great long-term potential just because you can’t deal with the stress of the moment.

Seth Godin

My Favorite video

  1. In the video, Dr Andrew Huberman explains how porn addiction destroys men’s brains. What is the impact of porn on young men? How does Dr Andrew Huberman think people should overcome porn addiction? What does Huberman Lab advise for people addicted to porn? How can men quit porn?

4. Meme of the Week


Must watch movie/webshow 

The Playlist" is a dynamic web series that delves into the success story of Spotify and how it revolutionized the music industry. With a fast-paced narrative, this show promises an entertaining and informative viewing experience that will inspire entrepreneurship.

Two Mind-Boggling Studies

  1. Psychologists find that people will ignore or even deny the existence of a problem if they’re not fond of the solution.

  2. In one study, When people felt detached from their past selves, they become less depressed over the course of the year. When you feel as if your life is changing direction, and you’re in the process of shifting who you are, it’s easier to walk away from foolish beliefs you once held.

Upcoming Online Event of the Week

My Wishlist for upcoming week

  1. Finding Accountability Partner who can help me.

  2. Read parallel books

  3. Complete personal branding course on Domestika

  4. Book review session on “The Murder of History” at Lincoln Corner.

  5. Watch Maximum three podcast on finance, health and tech.

  6. Learn finance and investment areas online and offline.

  7. Connect with mentor’s for advices regarding digital work.

  8. Shoot Youtube videos and reels

I hope this newsletter will be beneficial to you. Please feel free to check out my social media channels for more information. See you in next week 🙂