Better Inside EP 19

Better Inside Newsletter

Hey Friends!

It looks like this week went by very quickly, almost like a day. It was a reflective week for me. I met some of my good old childhood friends and shared memories with them. Additionally, I recorded both short and long YouTube videos. My new video is based on my recent manifestation journey. My learning this week has been very insightful, both about people and myself. In our 30s, we tend to see things differently, not in a rushed manner but with depth. Nowadays, when someone asks for my time, I first ask myself how I will feel after the meeting and conversation. This has led me to prioritize self-care by choosing myself in every situation. It may sometimes feel like laziness to me, but it's a process.

Love xx


5 AI Tools For Productivity:

  1. Speak: Turn your language data into insights—fast and with no code.

  2. Moonvalley: Generate cinematic videos and animations with text prompts.

  3. Durable : Get a website designed by AI that doesn't look like it was designed by AI in 30 seconds or less. Then, start growing right away with integrated CRM, SEO, invoicing, and marketing tools.

  4. Intently: Discover ready-to-buy prospects in the US, break into key accounts and accelerate deal cycles with the power of AI sales intelligence.

  5. Slideoo: Create unique and professional presentations in 2 minutes from long text, pdf, and website URLs.

Quote of the Week:

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.


 Life-Changing Exercise:

Ask yourself!

1. Who are you blaming for your life situation right now? (Your partner? Your boss? Your parents? Your friends?

2. What would happen if you stopped blaming the others for what happens to you in your life ?

3. Is it comfortable for you to be the victim?

4. What benefits does it have for you to be a victim ?

5. What would happen if you stopped suffering in your life and took the decision to change it ?

6. What would you change?

7. Where could you start ?

8. How would you start ?

9. Write down five things you can do in the coming week to start changing the course and start taking charge of your life.

Reflection of the Week:

Are we obsessing about highs only? Or do we need to define our own success? 

My Favorite Video:

My Weekly Articles:

Podcast of The Week:

See you in next week 🙂