Better Inside EP 17

Better Inside Newsletter

Hey Friends!

Nowadays, I am working on multiple projects; you can say I work with both external clients and at the national level. All of these projects are very different from each other. The good part is that we humans can excel in multiple fields at the same time. For example, I started working on my writing skills in 2017, and at that time, writing was my biggest dislike. However, after 2020, writing became my newfound passion. It's surprising, isn't it? Yes, the experiences we go through in our lives are very crucial for our future. Maybe right now, you dislike your job or work, but in the future, you'll be amazed at how this work will benefit you.

I've also taken two training courses, and they are very different from each other. One is from a trainer's perspective, and the other is focused on team building. To identify what motivates me, I ask myself which things I want to ignore, and I receive a very honest answer. I've also monitored my social media consumption, and it was quite alarming. I realized that I had lost so much focus. Thanks to my self-awareness, I realized that I needed to reinforce good habits in my life. So, I've set aside specific times for my social media usage. I prioritize platforms, giving less priority to Facebook and Instagram and higher priority to YouTube and TikTok, which I use exclusively for work-related short videos. Additionally, Quora and Medium are my writing loves, so I'll spend my time there as well.

How you feel after work matters a lot!

After one training session, for the first time, I felt low,, even though the training went well with peak participation. Deep down, I felt terrible. At times, I didn't want to use the auditorium stage because I sometimes felt really isolated. So, I tried to connect with people on their level. I asked one of my keen friends, who is a therapist, how she deals with people who share their emotions and sometimes trigger her. She mentioned that she practices therapy and meditation. I know my case is very different, but as individuals, we must know who our shield is so that we can protect ourselves from such triggers. I learned that day that we have to feel and explore all emotions. It's like a journey towards the mountains; highs and lows are part of life



5 AI Tools for Productivity

Moveo AI: Personalized AI virtual agents trained on your data. A conversational AI platform built for enterprises.

Shortwave: Searches your entire email history, writes drafts in your voice, schedules meetings, and saves you an hour every day.

MultiVerse AI: Turn your selfies into professional headshots with AI.

 Autoblocks: Adaptable platform to improve and differentiate your Gen AI product.

Taplio: Get the AI-powered, all-in-one LinkedIn tool. Join 6100+ LinkedIn pros who trust Taplio for their content creation and lead generation needs. Start for free.

Exercise to increase your commitment level:

Commitment Exercise

Our actions always reveal our true values. Regardless of what you say, your actions unveil the truth.

First Step: Take a blank piece of paper and write down all the words related to your commitments, mostly those you've made to yourself. For instance, "I will invest," "I will travel this year," "I will launch my online business," and any other commitments you've discussed with friends or made to yourself.

2nd Step: Now, create two columns. In one column, list your commitments one by one, and in the adjacent column, write down the actions you've taken or why you haven't fulfilled these commitments. Be honest about the specific reasons, avoiding excuses like being married, lacking time, or having children.

Third Step: The magic happens when you create one more column next to the actions, labeled "My Specific Solution." Write down specific solutions for each commitment. For example, if your commitment is to "reduce stress," and your action was, "My family takes up my time," your specific solution could be, "I will walk in the family park for 10 minutes from 7 pm to 7:10 pm without my kids."

Always be specific when writing solutions, and you'll notice how your real excuses transform in just a few days.

I developed this simple exercise when I was rereading a book called "Hell Yeah or Hell No" by Derek Sivers , and I adapted these lessons into an exercise that genuinely helped me overcome my commitment challenges.

My Favorite Quote:

Motivation is like a party-animal friend. Great for a night out, but not someone you would rely on to pick you up from the airport.

BJ Fogg PhD


My latest articles:

My Favorite video:

Reflection of the Week:

Why do mentors exist? Well, there are three hidden reasons. First, they see a reflection of themselves in you. Second, they aim to guide you toward becoming more like them, sharing their expertise along the way. But here's the twist: they secretly yearn to experience a bit of your youthful energy and enthusiasm. Even someone with decades of experience can crave the vibrancy of a 19-year-old's passion for their work. Life's full of these unexpected mentor-mentee exchanges, each learning from the other in ways we might not always recognize. Find a mentor who really cares about you.

See you next week 🙂