Better Inside EP 13

Better Inside Newsletter

Hey Friends!

This week has been very effective and fruitful for me. Even today, I had the opportunity to meet and learn from over 100 global coaches in a live training event. I learned about how the coaching business works, and I'm planning to incorporate these methods into my own training business to see what outcomes I can achieve in the future. Yesterday, I pondered this question: Why do some people thrive, shine, and bloom throughout life, while others struggle to succeed and reach new heights?

The truth is that your self-perception and beliefs about your capabilities can significantly influence your life. It's accurate that "we create our own reality." From yesterday, I'm going to try something cool for a week – no more complaining or criticizing about anything. I'm curious to see how much I actually let out complaints and criticisms without even realizing it. It's like a self-experiment, you know? I'll jot down how I feel each day and what's on my mind. This whole thing is about checking out my own behavior and getting a better grip on how I handle things. Let's see how this goes!

5 AI Tools for Productivity

  1. Hercule: AI-powered platform for analyzing pitch decks, conducting market research, and much more.

  2. Sola: Craft seamless, AI-enhanced workflows in transform your data entry, scraping, and filing operations.

  3. tl;dv : tl;dv is here to transcribe, summarize, and mark key moments in your calls in 20+ languages. Try tl;dv here →

  4. Fiber: Connect with any sales prospect like you actually know them and target companies with hyper precision.

  5. Deepen: The ultimate self-care companion on your journey to mental well-being.

Best Six New AI Tools

  1. Rose: Smarter machines for beautiful data. Research Faster with Rose. (link)

  2. Namecheap: Namecheap is popular for selling domains at the best price. (link)

  3. Elai: Elai AI creates videos from text using AI-generated presenters or your own avatar from a selfie. (link)

  4. Scribe: Scribe's automated visual guide can help you take your process to the next level. (link)

  5. Riverside: Record high-quality podcasts and videos from anywhere using just your browser or mobile app. (link)

  6. MeetGeek: AI meeting assistant that records, transcribes, summarizes, and provides key insights. (link)

My Favorite Quote:

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Susan Jeffers, PHD

 My WHY Exercise For Goal Setting: 

I have applied this exercise in my life and am gaining very good results and clarity about my goals. Imagine if you have a strong WHY that keeps you pursuing your life goals no matter the hurdles you face. We'd use the seven-level deep exercise to accomplish this.

Pick a piece of paper or use your mobile device to write down anything you want in life. Then below it, write down why you want it. For example, you may want financial freedom because you've been broke before and you don't want to return to that kind of life. Next, ask yourself the “why” behind the first why. Structure it this way: I want financial freedom because I don't want to go broke again. But why don't I want to be broke? Think about it and answer the question. Let's assume you don't want to be broke again because you were broke as a kid and it forced you to take on jobs you didn't like, just to pay the bills. Up next, ask the third why.

“Note: Always repeat the want, followed by all the why's you've discovered before asking the next why. Do this until you've asked yourself seven times. Make sure it's seven! Not five, not eight, seven.

The reason seven is such a magical number is still a mystery, but what's certain is that the first reasons you give for any desire come right out of your head. As you approach and get to number seven, the reasons you begin to give will come right from your heart and that's your true WHY.

My Reflection this week:

You Always Have a Choice.

From the time my alarm clock rings, I have an hour and a half alone, and I realize it's all up to me what the day is going to start like. It’s up to me whether I’m going to open the shades and let the light in or mess around in the dark. It’s my choice to lie in bed and say “Yuck”, I don’t want to get up and go to work. I didn’t finish the report I’m supposed to have ready today. Or it’s my choice to lie in bed and give myself positive self-talk and look forward to the coming day. It’s my choice to put the music on and dance around the house instead of putting on the negativity of the news or listening to my negative chatterbox. It’s up to me whether I’m going to worry about how my body is not in shape or whether I’m going to tell myself I am in the process of creating a great body. The whole day is up to me!

Lesson time: As you go through each day, it is important that at every moment you choose the way you feel. When a difficult situation comes into your life, it is possible to tune into your miserable or content state? Are you going to visualize scarcity or abundance ? Are you going to put yourself down for getting angry with your partner, or are you simply going to notice what insecurity you were feeling at the time and discuss it with ? The choice is definitely yours.

Pick the one that contributes most to your aliveness and growth.

My Favorite video:

In this video, a famous YouTuber shares their financial journey, discussing how they are earning money from YouTube and other online streams. They also provide advice for aspiring YouTubers to enhance their performance on the platform. 

My Meditation Journey:

Guided Meditation Selfie

Almost fourteen days have been completed since I started practicing guided meditation. This journey has been immensely positive so far, and I'd like to share the experiences I've had during these fourteen days. I can't express how much positive energy I've been feeling lately. My mornings start with a surge of positivity. I hope all of you can experience the same level of positivity.

1. Wake up Breath
2. Feeling Reflection
3. Motivation and Inspiration
4. Energize
5. Cat/Cow Energizing Breath
6. Gratitude and Happiness
7. Morning Priming for Gratitude
8. Meditation and Hypnosis
9. Gratitude for a Day of Abundance
10. Practice Kindfulness
11. Intention Setting
12. Morning Visualization
13. Mindfulness
14. Morning Rituals.

Did You Know?

64 Sites for Remote Work

Check out the link for details: 🙃 

My To-do list for the coming week

  1. Complete two books.

  2. Pitch Training Programs.

  3. Record Three YouTube Videos.

  4. Record Seven Reels for Instagram .

  5. Record Videos for LinkedIn.

  6. Publish Three Articles.

  7. Publish first Podsheet.

    See you in next week 🙂