Better Inside EP #12

Better Inside Newsletter

Hello, lovely peeps,

Have you ever found yourself caught in the never-ending loop of scrolling through Netflix, attempting to pick a movie, only to suddenly realize that an entire half-hour has slipped away while you remain stuck in indecision? The task of narrowing down your choice can appear quite overwhelming without a compelling recommendation to steer you in the right direction, particularly when faced with the immense array of options at hand. When you spend hours scrolling all on your own, the very act of making a decision might start to feel like an insurmountable challenge, as though the required effort is simply too substantial.

This phenomenon, which goes by the name of analysis paralysis, truly has a knack for hindering productivity. When confronted with an extensive range of choices, it's all too common to find ourselves immobilized, incapable of reaching a decision, and thus ensnared in a state of inaction. Here at Life Hack Method, our primary focus centers on avoiding precisely this predicament. Interestingly enough, even a quick Google search for "Analysis Paralysis" produces an astonishing 64,200,000 results, highlighting just how vast the realm of choices is. This very same dilemma also extends to grappling with the intricate features woven into the tools and apps that form an integral part of our day-to-day interactions. 

I recently listened to some audiobooks related to happiness. According to their findings, happiness is 40% genetic (inherited from ancestors), 10% situational (what occurs to you), and 50% behavioral and mentality. This fact implies that individuals possess greater agency over their happiness than they may be aware of the ability to cultivate happiness lies within our control. That’s cool, and I was shocked when I read about this. Throughout this week, I have been practicing a lot of guided meditation, and honestly, it is getting better and better. I do it daily in the morning, and my day starts with positivity.

My Key lessons this week are:

There is no easy way, there is only hard work, late nights, early mornings, practice, rehearsal, repetition, study, sweat, blood, toil, frustration, and discipline. Discipline is the root of all good qualities.  

Productivity Corner

5 AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity

  1. Wiser Media: Your own curated collections of content in one place. Turn your article, podcast, video, newsletter, and audiobook links into a library with sections.

  2. Rizemail: Get precise summaries of your emails. It receives emails, summarizes them, and delivers exactly what you need to know all within your inbox.

  3. ChatGPTSkool: Go from beginner to mastering ChatGPT and boost your productivity at work. Try ChatGPTSkool →

  4.  Robofy AI Chatbot: Create your own personalized chatbot with your website content. Instantly answer 100% of visitors' queries automatically.

  5. StarChat AI: Ask questions and talk to your favorite celebrities and experts using AI.

My Favorite Quote:

Obsession is a superpower


 My Favorite video

The video below is Jordi Van Den Bussche, aka Kwebbelkop, only it’s not. It turns out the YouTuber gamer is replacing himself with AI.

Meme of the Week 

My Favorite Read:

  1. $100million offers by Alex Hormozi

  2. Raise Your Game by Alan Stein

  3. Master Your Emotions by Thibaut

Must Watch Study:

Mind-Boggling Experiment:

The Love Bridge Study (Dutton and Aron, 1974): This study, often referred to as the "Capilano Bridge Experiment," explored the connection between heightened emotional states and romantic attraction. Researchers approached men who were crossing either a rickety, suspended bridge (anxiety-inducing situation) or a sturdy, stable bridge. After crossing the bridge, participants were approached by an attractive female confederate, who asked them to complete a questionnaire and gave them her phone number. The study found that men who crossed the anxiety-inducing bridge were more likely to call the woman later, suggesting that heightened emotional arousal can lead to increased attraction.

My Wishlist for the coming week

  1. Record videos and upload

  2. Virtual Coffee Meetup

  3. Training Module Design

  4. Read One Book

  5. Publish Book Notes

I hope this newsletter will be beneficial to you. See you in next week 🙂