Better Inside EP 11

Better Inside Newsletter

A look At my break time!

Welcome back, everyone, after the long break. Now, I promise you all that I will not take a break from my writing work. I took a long break, but that doesn't mean I haven't been writing anything. During this time, I've been working on a system related to my writing. Honestly, when we skip writing, it can lead to chronic procrastination. My biggest realization was that the idea what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is often a wrong advice. There are situations like trauma, depression, and loneliness, which don't necessarily make us stronger; instead, they can bring pain into our lives. Let's change the narrative: what doesn't kill you may not make you stronger.

Reflecting on the time when I quit my full-time job to start my freelance/solopreneur journey, I believe in helping people who are struggling, as it can lead to transformation in their lives. Throughout this period, I prioritized my health, as I had lost a lot, especially the clarity of my vision. Now, I am regaining my health by appreciating the daily morning sunrise. I've observed that when meeting people, some drain my energy, while others radiate positive energy. So, I remind you to be mindful of who steals your energy.

This month has been eventful with various trainings and the opportunity to work with international individuals, providing me with valuable learning experiences as a coach myself. When I began my solopreneur journey, I knew there was no turning back. I had ignited all my ambitions and stopped looking for other opportunities. My perspective on work has changed, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the freedom that comes with discipline. I meticulously plan my days using the time-boxing method, focusing on my three main priority tasks and a daily highlight. My current highlight is restarting jogging for better health.

I've adopted some effective methods to read books and retain key points. Lately, I've been exploring organizing both physical and digital belongings, which has proven beneficial. As someone who writes, I understand how challenging it can be to find motivation. One quote that always boosts my spirits is, Writing often involves releasing emotions and aspects of life into the world.

"Every book I wrote, it killed me little more." 

One Best Course:

“Finding Creative Fuel" by Nathaniel Drew on Skill Share, is an excellent course on creativity and digital content. This is the second course I've taken from him, the first being "Camera Confidence," which helped me develop my on-camera presence. I highly recommend trying this course at least once.

Productivity Corner

If you ares struggling in time management then this template for you, Do measure your life and see the magic after some days. Here is the link where you can now easily download this template and examine your daily progress.

Daily Planning Template

Note-taking apps you should use as per your needs:

  1. Notion

  2. Remnot

  3. Research Roam

  4. Obsidian

  5. Evernote

  6. Tettra

  7. Bear

  8. Coda

Daily Highlight Method

A highlight is a single, focused activity that you're committed to completing that day. It could be anything from working on a personal project to spending time with loved ones to learning a new skill. The key is to choose something that is meaningful to you and that you're excited about. When you have a highlight to focus on, it's much easier to resist distractions and stay on track. Of course, not every day is going to be perfect. There will be days when you don't get to your highlight. But that's okay. The important thing is to keep trying.

How to release painful emotions:

The Sedona Method helps increase productivity by teaching effective emotional release techniques, enabling individuals to let go of mental blocks and distractions, leading to enhanced focus and clarity in their work. By practicing the method, one can experience greater efficiency and effectiveness in accomplishing tasks and achieving goals.

My Favorite Quote:

If your ego were in remote control, your fears would push its buttons.

A Radical Awakening

 My Favorite video

This video helps you to understand the myths related to introverts and why we often misunderstand reserved people. Let's explore the real experiences of introverts.

Meme of the Week 

Favorite Exercises:

My Favorite Reads:

  1. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

  2. Two Weeks Notice by Amy Porterfield

  3. Lucid Dreaming by Lee Adams

Must watch Movie:

Mind-Boggling Study

The Milgram Experiment: In the early 1960s, psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a study to investigate the extent to which people would obey authority figures. Participants were asked to administer increasingly severe electric shocks to a "learner" (who was an actor) when they answered questions incorrectly. The study showed that many participants were willing to continue administering shocks, highlighting the power of obedience to authority figures.

My Wishlist for upcoming week

  1. Record videos and upload on Youtube.

  2. Read and complete one Book

  3. Complete two online courses on Skills Share

  4. Practice Illustration on Figma

  5. Daily Morning Jogging

  6. Write daily one article on medium

  7. Ice bath

I hope this newsletter will be beneficial to you. See you in next week 🙂