Better Inside

Better Inside Newsletter

Thank you for reading my "Better Inside" newsletter! Your decision to do so shows that you are committed to improving your own life. If we haven't met before, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ammar, and I have a passion for reading books. I am also a member of Pakistan's learning community and have spent 13 years creating content to help people improve their lives.

I believe that sharing knowledge with others is a valuable endeavor and that doing so brings us closer to God. In this newsletter, I will provide you with plenty of resources to aid your learning, such as productivity tips, book recommendations, summaries, templates, and technological tools. Moreover, I will take you along on my own learning journey.

So, let's get started!

A look At my Week !

It has been an extremely eventful week for me, although it may seem unrealistic. Along with finishing the book "Think Again," I read three other books simultaneously and created video content for my social media. It was a hectic yet fruitful week, with plenty of opportunities for learning and experiencing ups and downs in my personal journey.

The most valuable lesson I learned this week is that we have the power to change our responses to situations for the better. Reflecting on our past experiences can assist us in improving ourselves. Additionally, I am learning the importance of saying "no" in my life. This is not a selfish act, but rather an act of self-care.

Now, let me share with you what I have in store for you champs.

1. Five Productivity hacks and apps

  1. Checklist Method for Productivity Watch my video about “Chaos to Control”

  1. Turn off your phone off and sit quietly almost one or two hours

    By turning off the phone and sitting in the silence. the mind can recharge, allowing for increased focus, clarity and creativity. This time can also provide an opportunity for reflection, planning and prioritizing tasks.Incorporating this practice into a daily routine can lead to a more productive and balanced lifestyle.

  1. 1-3-5 Rule for productivity

    1-3-5 Rule: In order to stay productive at work every day, you just need to commit to accomplishing 1 Major Task, 3 Medium Tasks, and 5 Small Tasks. This small practice helps you to boost your productivity.

2. Top Quotes that Inspired Me this Week 😀 

Even the devil appreciate being listened to.

Betty Bigombe

Two minutes is all you need to change your life.

Ali Abdaal

The cat sat on a mat’ is not a story. ‘ The cat sat on the dog’s mat is a story.

John le Carre

3. My Favorite two videos this week

  1. In the video by Max Gouchan, you can gain insights into the obstacles faced by young entrepreneurs. Additionally, you can learn about a 19-year-old who managed to run a business while juggling four part-time jobs, attending college, and holding four student political positions.

  1. Vincent Van Gogh's story can serve as an inspiration for various aspects of life. I recommend watching this video that showcases how he became a better person by discovering his passion at the age of 27.

4. Meme of the Week

🤣🤣 🤣

5. Two Online Courses you should start in March 2023.

6. One Netflix Documentary must watch this month.

7. Two Mind-Boggling Studies

  1. Economists and finance experts have even found that the stock market rises if a country’s soccer team wins World Cup matches and falls if they lose.

  2. In one study, participants guessed what percentage of time they exhibited a range of virtuous behaviors, Six weeks later, they were asked again, but this time they were also shown the average ratings of other people. On the vast majority of behaviors, they rated themselves as much more moral than these normals. What they didn’t realize was the ‘average ratings’ for others were, in fact, their own ratings from six weeks earlier. :)

8. Event of the Week

9. My Wishlist for upcoming week

  1. Read parallel books

  2. Complete Video editing course.

  3. Apply “Slip Box” technique for notes taking.

  4. Book review session on “Games People Play” at Lincoln Corner.

  5. Watch two Podcast.

  6. Learn more about finance.

I hope this newsletter will be beneficial to you. Please feel free to check out my social media channels for more information. See you in next week 🙂